Vintage Heels for the Second Life body / feet Maitreya (original).
♥ If you prefer shopping with demos you are most welcome to visit the DYNAMITE inworld boutique.
You can also check out their friendly store ARIA.
thanks for creating a place we dont need to login and stuff to say something. to sellers im sorry i dont review even when i love your stuff. i dont like the publicity. but i can say, many stores here i have bought many things from. great stuff really. this one here dynamite is top class. go for it peoples. i dont know if dynamite reads this, please show them admin if you have a moment. if i didnt hate reviews so much, they would have like 40 from me. i have and use a lot of their stuff.
Hi Jessica.
We have asked the marketplace to make reviewer names anonymous to the public many times. Unfortunately that will not change. It has been broken since March 2024 anyway. As many residents have noted, the pages, especially the front pages, barely change to show people the various creations of most stores. We are still waiting for that. Thank you very much for your nice message, it gifted me a huge smile that motivates me to create more.
Yours, Dynamite