From creators and merchants to you (if you are using defomers):
“We have noticed that many of you buy so called “deformers” on the marketplace. Deformers are not official mesh created by official stores and therefore they can lead to major fitting issues.”
They are not just a shape change. They are an actual add-on!
“As creators do not have developer kits to make clothing for such deformers, they are unlikely to not cause issues, especially when clothing has to be created skin tight. Random stores selling random deformers do not work properly! They equal trying to squeeze the mesh of the clothing on top of a different body mesh. Use deformers at your own risk.”
The only actually functional and valid deformers come directly from the mesh body brands and they have official names with them, such as Waifus, Petite, Bork and so forth. They are valid, because the body brands give the mesh creators the actual body mesh to create on.
A dress for example, can then be actually fitted to that. Imagine trying to fit a petite dress to Waifus. It does not work. Neither do random deformers…
Even a small deformer, like a thigh gap or larger cheeks for your behind, are actual additional mesh. You cannot see it all, as some of it uses alpha and is therefore partially invisible, but it does interact with your body and the mesh used on top of it, as in clothing.
Merchant report issues with customers refusing to accept that deformers are a risk when used. Merchants report that they have struggled with negative reviews on the past, when people wear deformers that are unofficial and untested by major body brands. We do not run to creators to complain that the for example Maitreya dress will not fit, when we are not only wearing Maitreya, but also breasts from a random deformer brand!
You can use deformers created by Reborn for Reborn, as in for example Waifus. That one is indeed “legit”. Or Legacy has created deformers to allow you to wear Maitreya items. Yes valid. Stores that sell deformers that belong to no official body brand, are interfering with the functionality of clothing, tattoos, skins etc with your body, but to not usually tell you so before purchase. Please refrain from using them. They are not “just a shape change”.